R. De La Rosa, M.S. Bruzón. Differential invariants of a generalized variable-coefficient Gardner equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S. (Vol: 11(4), Año: 2018, Pag: 747-757). Q3
S.C. Anco, M. Rosa, M.L. Gandarias. Conservation laws and symmetries of time-dependent generalized KdV equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S. (Vol: 11(4). Año: 2018, Pag: 607-615). Q3
T.M. Garrido, M.S. Bruzón. Symmetries and Conservation Laws of a KDV6 equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S. (Vol: 11(4), Año: 2018, Pag: 631-641). Q3
J.C. Camacho, M. Rosa, M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Classical symmetries, travelling wave solutions and conservation laws of a generalized Fornberg-Whitham equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Vol: 318 Año: 2017, Pag:149-155). Q1
M. Rosa, J.C. Camacho, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Classical and potential symmetries for a generalized Fisher equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. (Vol: 318 , Año:2017, Pag: 181-188). Q1
M.S. Bruzón, E. Recio, T.M. Garrido, A.P. Márquez. Conservation laws, classical symmetries and exact solutions of the generalized KdV-Burguers-Kuramoto equation. Open Physics. (Vol: 15(1), Año:2017, Pag: 433-439). Q3
T.M. Garrido, A.A. Kasatkin, M.S. Bruzón, R.K. Gazizov. Lie symmetries and equivalence transformations for the Barenblatt–Gilman model. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. (Vol: 318, Año: 2017, Pag: 253-258 . Q1
M.S. Bruzón, R. De la Rosa, R. Tracinà. Exact solutions via equivalence transformations of a variable-coefficient fifth-order KdV equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. (ISSN: 0096-3003). Q1
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, R. de la Rosa. Conservation Laws by using the Multiplier Method for a fifth-order KdV equation with time-dependent coefficients and linear Damping. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. (Vol: 6(4), Año: 2017, Pag: 473-478 )
M.S. Bruzón, E. Recio, R. De la Rosa, M.L. Gandarias. Local conservation laws, symmetries and exact solutions for a Kudryashov-Sinelshchikov equation. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences. (DOI: 10.1002/mma.4690, ISSN: 0170-4214). Q2
R. De la Rosa, E. Recio, T. M. Garrido, M.S. Bruzón. On a generalized variable-coefficient Gardner equation with linear damping and dissipative terms. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences. (DOI: 10.1002/mma.4732, ISSN: 0170-4214). Q2
M.L. Gandarias, R. De La Rosa, , M. Rosa. Conservation laws for a strongly damped wave equation. Open Physics. ( Vol: 15, Año: 2017, Pag: 300-305 ). Q3
M.S. Bruzón, C.M. Khalique, M.L. Gandarias, R. Traciná, M. Torrisi. Recent Advances in Symmetry Analysis and Exact Solutions in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. Advances in Mathematical Physics (Vol: 2017, Año: 2017, Pag:8325854). Q4
R. Conte, M.L. Gandarias. Analytic study of a coupled Kerr-SBS system. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. (Vol: 42, Año: 2017, Pag: 146-157). Q1
E. Recio, S.C. Anco. Conservation laws and symmetries of radial generalized nonlinear p-Laplacian evolution equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Vol: 452 (2), Año: 2017, Pag: 1229-1261). Q1
T. Motsepa, C. M. Khalique, M.L. Gandarias. Symmetry Analysis and Conservation Laws of the Zoomeron Equation. Symmetry (Vol: 9(2) Año: 2017 Pag: 27)
E. Recio, S. C. Anco. Conserved norms and related conservation laws for multi-peakon equations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (Vol: 51, Año: 2018, Pag: 065203 (19pp). Q1
M.S. Bruzón, T.M. Garrido, R. De la Rosa. Symmetry reductions for a generalized fifth-order KdV equation. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences. ( Vol: 2(2), Año: 2017, Pag: 485-494)
S.C. Anco, M.L. Gandarias, E. Recio. Conservation laws, symmetries, and line soliton solutions of generalized KP and Boussinesq equations with p-power nonlinearities in two dimensions. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.02739
M. Rosa Durán, A. Podolski-Renic, A. Álvarez-Arenas, J. Dinic, J. Belmonte-Beitia, M. Pesic, V. M. Pérez-García. Transfer of drug resistance characteristics between cancer cell subpopulations: A study using simple mathematical models. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. (Vol: 78, Pag: 1218-1237. Año: 2016). Impact-factor: 1.263, Ranking: 35/57. Q3. ISSN: 0092-8240
R. de la Rosa, M.S. Bruzón. On the classical and nonclassical symmetries of a generalized Gardner equation. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences. ( Vol: 1, Año: 2016, Pag: 263-272 )
R. De La Rosa, M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Symmetries and conservation laws of a fifth-order KdV equation with time-dependent coefficients and linear damping. Nonlinear Dynamics. ( Vol: 84, Año: 2016, Pag: 135-141 ). Q1
M. Torrisi. Nonlinear self-adjointness of a class of third order nonlinear dispersive equations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ( Vol: 32, Año: 2016, Pag: 225-233 ). Q1
M.S. Bruzón, T.M. Garrido, R. De la Rosa. Conservation Laws and exact solutions of a Generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation. Chaos, Solitions and Fractals. (Vol: 89, Año: 2016, Pag: 578-583). Q2
R. De La Rosa, M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Symmetry Group Analysis of a Fifth-Order KdV Equation with Variable Coefficients. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport. (Vol: 45 (4), Año: 2016, Pag: 275-289). Q4
R. De La Rosa, M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. On symmetries and conservation laws of a Gardner equation involving arbitrary functions. Applied Mathematics and computation. (Vol: 290, Año: 2016, Pag:125-134). Q1
E. Recio, M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Symmetries and conservation laws for a sixth-order Boussinesq equation. Chaos, Solitions and Fractals. (Vol: 89 ( August) , Año: 2016, Pag: 572-577). Q2
M.S. Bruzón, T.M. Garrido. Lie Point Symmetries and Traveling Wave Solutions for the Generalized-Drinfeld-Sokolov System. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport. ( Vol: 45 (4), Año: 2016, Pag: 290-298). Q4
R. Tracina, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. On the nonlinear self-adjointness of a class of fourth-order evolution equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. ( Vol: 275, Año: 2016, Pag: 299-304 ). Q1
M. L. Gandarias, M. Khalique. Symmetries, solutions and conservation laws of a class of nonlinear dispersive wave equations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ( Vol: 32, Año: 2016, Pag: 114-131 ). Q1
N. Ibragimov, M.L. Gandarias, L Galiakberova, M.S. Bruzón, E. Avdonina. Group classification and conservation laws of anisotropic wave equations with a source. Journal Of Mathematical Physics. ( Vol: 57 (8), Año: 2016, Pag: 083504.1-083504.9 ). Q3
V. Rosenhaus, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Boundary conditions for infinite conservation laws. ( Vol: 78 (3) , Año: 2016, Pag: 345-370). Q4
M.S. Bruzón. Classical and nonclassical symmetries of a generalized Benney Luke equation. International Journal of Modern Physics B. ( Vol: 30 (28-29), Año: 2016, Pag: 1640006.1-1640006.11 ). Q4
R. De La Rosa, M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Equivalence transformations and conservation laws for a generalized variable-coefficient Gardner equation. Communicaions in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation. Indice Impacto: 2.784. Posición: 15/100. Q1. ( Vol: 40, Año: 2016, Pag: 71-79). Q1
M. Rosa, M.L. Gandarias. Multiplier method and exact solutions for a density dependent reaction-diffusion equation. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences. (Vol: 1(2), Año: 2016, Pag: 311-320)
M.L. Gandarias, M. Rosa. On double reductions from symmetries and conservation laws for a damped Boussinesq equation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. (Vol: 89, Año: 2016, Pag: 560-565). Q2
M.L. Gandarias, M. Rosa. Symmetries and Conservation laws of a damped Boussinesq equation. International Journal of Modern Physics B (Vol: 30 (28-29), Año: 2016, Pag: 1640012 (11 pages)). Q4
M.L. Gandarias. Conservation laws for some equations that admit compacton solutions induced by a nonconvex convection. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. ( Vol: 430, Año: 2015, Pag: 695-702 ). Q1
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, R. de la Rosa. Conservation laws of a Gardner equation with time-dependent coefficients. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. ( Vol: 4(2), Año: 2015, Pag: 169-180 ).
M. Rosa, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Lie Symmetry Analysis and Conservation Laws for a Fisher Equation with Variable Coefficients. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. Indice Impacto: 1.232. Posición: 23/251. Q1. ( Vol: 9, Año: 2015, Pag: 1-11 )
M. Rosa, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Symmetry Analysis and exact solutions for a generalized Fisher equation in cylindrical coordinates. Comunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Indice Impacto: 2.866. Posición: 5/251. Q1. ( Vol: 25, Año: 2015, Pag: 74-83 ).
M. Rosa, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Symmetries and Conservation laws for some compacton equation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Indice Impacto: 0.762. Posición: 54/85. Q3. ( 2015 )
M.Rosa, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Lie symmetries and conservation laws of a Fisher equation with nonlinear convection term. Discrete and continuous system series S. Indice Impacto: 0.567. Posición: 191/257. Q3. ( Vol: 8, Año: 2015, Pag: 1331-1339 )
M. Rosa, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Nonlinear self-adjointness for a generalized Fisher equation in cylindrical coordinates. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. ( Vol: 1, Año: 2015, Pag: 1-6 )
R. De La Rosa, M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. A study for the microwave heating of some chemical reactions through Lie symmetries and conservation laws. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. Indice Impacto: 1.056. Posición: 56/101. Q3. ( Vol: 53, Año: 2015, Pag: 949-957)
M. Rosa Durán, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. A conservation law for a generalized chemical Fisher equation. Journal of mathematical chemistry. ( Vol: 53, Año: 2014, Pag: 941-948 ). Q2
M.L. Gandarias. Conservations laws for a porous medium equation through nonclassical generators. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ( Vol: 19, Año: 2014, Pag: 371-376 ). Q1
R. Tracinà, M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, M. Torrisi. Nonlinear self-adjointness, conservation laws, exact solutions of a system of dispersive evolution equations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. (Vol: 19(9), Año: 2014, Pag: 371-376). Q1
M.L. Gandarias. Nonlinear self-adjointness through differential substitutions. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. ( Vol: 19, Año: 2014, Pag: 3523-3528 ). Q1
M.L. Gandarias, C. Masood Khalique. Nonlinearly self-adjoint, conservation laws and solutions for a forced BBM equation. Abstract and applied analysis. ( Vol: 2014, Año: 2014, Pag: 630282-630282 )
M.L Gandarias, M. Torrisi, M. S. Bruzón, R.Tracinà, C.M. Khalique. Recent advances in symmetry groups and conservation laws for partial differential equations and applications. Abstract and applied analysis. (Vol: 2014, Año: 2014, Pag: 457145).
J. Ramírez, J.L. Romero, R. Tracinà. Some new solutions for the Derrida-Lebowitz-Speer-Spohn equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. IF:2.806 (2013)
S. V. Meleshko S. Moyo C. Muriel, J. L. Romero , P. Guha A. G. Choudhury. On first integrals of second-order ordinary differential equations. Journal of Engineering Mathematics.82,1, 17-20 ISSN: 1751-8113 Doi: 10.1007/s10665-012-9590-9 (2013)
M. López, E. Recio, L. Vázquez. Las XVI Jornadas para el Aprendizaje y la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas en Palma de Mallorca ¡JAEM arribar!. Épsilon Revista de Educación Matemática. (Vol: 30 (2), Año: 2013, Pag: 117-132)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón, M. Rosa. Nonlinear self-adjointness and conservation laws for a generalized Fisher equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Vol( 18 (7), Año: 2012, Pag:1600-1606) . Q1
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Some Conservation Laws for a Forced KdV Equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. (Vol: 13 (6), Año: 2012, Pag: 2692-2700). Q1
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Conservation Laws for a Class of Quasi self-adjoint Third Order Equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. (Vol: 219(2), Año: 2012, Pag: 668-678). Q1
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, G.A. González, R. Hansen. The K(M,N) Equation With Generalized Evolution Term Studied By Symmetry Reductions And Qualitative Analysis. Applied Mathematics And Computation. (Vol: 218 (20), Año: 2012, Pag: 10094-10195). Q1
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, Senthilvelan, M. Nonlocal Symmetries of Riccati and Abel Chains and their Similarity Reductions. Journal of Mathematical Physics. (Vol: 53 (2), Año: 2012, Pag: 023512-1 – 023512-8). Q2
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, M. Torrisi, R. Tracinà. On Some Applications of Transformation Groups to a Class of Nonlinear Dispersive Equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. (Vol: 13, Año: 2012, Pag 1139-1151). Q1
M.L. Gandarias, M. Redondo, M.S. Bruzón. Some Weak Self-adjoint Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations Arising in Financial Mathematics. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. (Vol: 13, Año: 2012, Pag: 340-347). Q1
M.L. Gandarias. Weak self-adjointness and conservation laws for a porous medium equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. (Vol: 17, Año: 2012, Pag:2342-2349). Q1
C. Muriel, J.L Romero. Nonlocal Symmetries, Telescopic Vector Fields and Symmetries of Ordinary Differential Equations. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications SIGMA. (Vol: 8(106), Año: 2012)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Symmetry reductions and travelling wave solutions for a higher order wave equation of KdV type, Journal of Nonlinear Systems and Applications. (Vol: 3 (1), Año: 2012, Pag: 22-28).
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. On the group classification and Conservation laws of the self-adjoint of a family Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equations. International Journal Of Mathematical Models And Methods In Applied Sciences. (Vol: 4(6), Año: 2012, Pag: 527-534). Q3
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Symmetry Reductions and Traveling Wave Solutions for the Krichever-Novikov Equation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. (Vol: 35 (8), Año: 2012, Pag: 869-872). Q2.
M.L. Gandarias. Weak Self-adjointness and Conservation Laws for a Porous Medium Equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. DOI: (2011)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Some Weak Self-Adjoint Forced Kdv Equations. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings. 1389 (1) 1378-1381 (2011)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Conservation Laws of the Self-Adjoint K(M,N) Equation with Generalized Evolution Term. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings.1389 (1) 1372-1375 (2011)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Classical And Nonclassical Symmetries for the Krichever-Novikov Equation. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.168 (1) 875-885. DOI:10.1007/s11232-011-0071-5 (2011)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Symmetry Analysis and Exact Solutions of Some Ostrovsky Equations. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 168 (1) 898-911 DOI: 10.1007/s11232-011-0073-3 (2011)
J.C. Camacho, M.S. Bruzón, J. Ramírez, M.L. Gandarias. Exact Travelling Wave Solutions of a Beam Equation. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 18 (supp 1) 33-49 DOI: 10.1142/S140292511100126X (2011)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Reductions for Some Ordinary Differential Equations Through Nonlocal Symmetries. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 18 (supp 1) 123-133 (2011)
P. G. Estévez, M.L. Gandarias, J. Lucas. Classical Lie Symmetries and Reductions of a Nonisospectral Lax Pair. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 18 (supp 1) 51-60 DOI: 10.1142/s1402925111001271 (2011)
M.L. Gandarias. Weak Self-Adjoint Differential Equations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 44 (26) 1-6 DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/44/26/262001 (2011)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. A Subclass of Quasi Self Adjoint Lubrication Equations: Conservations Laws. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 5 (1) 805-812 PDF (2011)
B. Konopelchenko, L. Martínez-Alonso; E. Medina. On The Singular Sector Of The Hermitian Random Matrix Model In The Large N Limit. Physics Letters A . 357 867-872. ISSN: 0375-9601 PDF (2011)
G. Álvarez, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. An Efficient Method for Computing Genus Expansions and Counting Numbers. Nuclear Physics B ISSN: 0550-3213 848 (2) 398-429 (2011)
G. Álvarez, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Large-N Expansions and Painlevé Hierarchies in the Hermitian Matrix Model. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. ISSN: 1751-8113 44 (28) 1-27 doi:10.1088/1751-8113/44/28/285206 (2011)
C. Muriel, J.L. Romero. A $\Lambda-$Symmetry-Based Method for the Linearization and Determination of First Integrals of a Family of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations. Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical And Theoretical. 245201-245219 ISSN: 1751-8113 doi:10.1088/1751-8113/44/24/245201 (2011)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Nonlocal Symmetries for a Family Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers Equations. Some Exact Solutions. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics. 5 (3) 180-187 PDF (2011)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, M. Senthilvelan. On the Nonlocal Symmetries of Certain Nonlinear Oscillators and their General Solution. Physics Letters A 375 2985-2987 (2011)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Type-II Hidden Symmetries Through Weak Symmetries for Some Wave Equations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation.15 291-299 (2010)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Classical Potential Symmetries of the K (m,n) Equation with Generalized Evolution Term. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics ISSN: 1109-2769 9 275-284 PDF (2010)
B. Konopelchenco, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Hodograph Solutions of the Dispersionless Coupled KdV Hierarchies, Critical Points and the Euler-Poisson-Darboux Equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (2010)
C. Muriel, J.L. Romero. Nonlocal Transformations and Linearization of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical ISSN: 1751-8113 43 (2010)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Exact Solutions through symmetry reductions for a new integrable equations. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 254-263 PDF (2010)
J. Ramírez, J.L. Romero, F.R. Romero, A. Alvarez, J.F. R. Archilla. New Classes of Stable Exact Solutions for a Nonlinear Rotational DNA Model. Acta Physica Polonica B 0587-4254; 2001-2015 41 PDF (2010)
V. Rosenhaus, M.L. Gandarias. On Conserved Densities and Boundary Conditions for the Davey Stewartson Equations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 1751-8113; 206-219 (2010)
A. Fasano, M. A. Herrero, J. M. López , E. Medina. On the Dynamics of the Growth Plate in Primary Ossification. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 0022-5193; 543-553 264 (2010)
G. Álvarez, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Phase Transitions in multi-cut Matrix Models and Matched Solutions of Whitham Hierarchies. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 1742-5468; 03023-1 -03023-28 3 (2010)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Traveling Wave Solutions for a Generalized Ostrovsky equation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 0170-4214; 33 DOI: 10.1002/mma.1337 PDF (2010)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Traveling Wave Solutions of the K(m, n) Equation with Generalized Evolution. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 0170-4214; 33 DOI: 10.1002/mma.1339 PDF (2010)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón, P. G. Estévez, J. Prada. 1 + 1 Spectral Problems Arising from the Manakov-Santini System. Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and Theoretical. 0305-4470; 495204-495217 43 (2010)
M.L. Gandarias. Nonlocal Symmetries and Reductions for Some Ordinary Differential Equations. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 159 (3) 778-785 DOI: 10.1007/s11232-009-0066-7 (2009)
M.S. Bruzón. Exact Solutions for a Generalized Boussinesq Equation. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 159 (3) 778-785 PDF (2009)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Symmetries for a Family of Boussinesq Equations with Nonlinear Dispersion. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 8 3250-3257 (2009)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, Nail H. Ibragimov. Self-adjoint Sub-classes of Generalized Thin Film Equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 357 307-313 PDF(2009)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Nonclassical Potential Symmetries for the Burgers Equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 71 1826-1834 PDF (2009)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. Travelling Wave Solutions for a Generalized Double Dispersion Equation. Nonlinear Analysis 71 2109-2117 PDF (2009)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias. M. Torrisi, R. Traciná. Some Traveling Wave Solutions for the Dissipative Zabolotskaya-Khokhlov Equation. Journal of Mathematical Physics 5 103504 (2009)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials, String Equations and the Large n limit. Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (20) 205204 (2009)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Regularization of Hele-Shaw lows, Multiscaling Expansions and the Painlevé-I Equation. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 41 (3) 1284-1293 PDF (2009)
C. Muriel, J.L. Romero. First Integrals, Integrating Factors and Lambda-Symmetries of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations. Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and Theoretical. 42 365207 (2009)
C. Muriel, J. L. Romero. Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations and First Integrals of the Form C(t) +1/A(t,x)\dot x+B(t,x). Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 18 (1) 237-250 (2009)
J. Ramírez, R. Tracinà. New Solutions for the Quantum Drift-Diffusion Model of Semiconductors. Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and Theoretical ISSN:1751-8113 42 (48) 485211 ( 2009)
M.L Gandarias, M. S. Bruzón. Solutions Through Nonclassical Potential Symmetries for a Generalized Inhomogeneous Nonlinear Diffusion Equation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 31, 753-767, PDF (2008)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. The Double Scaling Limit Method in the Toda Hierarchy. Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and Theoretical 33 335202 (2008)
M.L. Gandarias, N. Ibragimov. Equivalence Group of a Fourth-Order Evolution Equation Unifying Various Non-Linear Models. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 259-268 PDF (2008)
M.L. Gandarias. New Potential Symmetries for Some Evolution Equations, Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (10) 2234-2242 PDF (2008)
M.L. Gandarias. Type-II Hidden Symmetries Through Weak Symmetries for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 348 (2) 752-757 PDF ( 2008)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Nonclassical Symmetry Reductions for an Inhomogeneous Nonlinear Diffusion Equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations. 13 (3) 508-516, PDF (2008)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L Gandarias. Applying a New Algorithm to Derive Nonclassical Symmetries. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 517-523, (2008)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Nonclassical Potential System Approach for a Nonlinear Diffusion Equation. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 15 (3) 185-196 PDF (2008)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. A Common Integrable Structure in the Hermitian Matrix Model and Hele-Shaw Flows. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 15 277-287. PDF(2008)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, J Camacho. Symmetry Analysis and Solutions for a Generalization of a Family of BBM Equations. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 15 81-90PDF (2008)
C. Muriel, J.L. Romero. Integrating Factors and Lambda-Symmetries. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 15, 290-299, PDF (2008)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Travelling wave solutions for a generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation. International Journal Of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. (Vol: 1(2), Año: 2008, Pag: 103-108).
C. Muriel, J.L. Romero. C-Infinity -Symmetries and Nonlocal Symmetries of Exponential Type. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 72 (2), 191-205, 4 PDF (2007)
J. Ramírez, J. Camacho, M. S. Bruzón. Modelo de Vibraciones de una Viga. Reducciones por Simetrías. Revista iberoamericana de sistemas, cibernética e informática 1690-8627; 1-6 (2007)
M.L. Gandarias, M. S. Bruzón. New Solutions of the Schwarzian Korteweg-de Vries Equation in 2+1 Dimensions Based on Weak Symmetries. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics752-761 DOI: 10.1007/s11232-007-0061-9 (2007)
J. Ramírez, J. L. Romero, M. S. Bruzón, M. L. Gandarias. Multiple Solutions for the Schwarzian Korteweg-dDe Vries Equation In (2 + 1) Dimensions. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 682-693, (2007)
B.G. Konopelchenko, L. Martínez Alonso and E. Medina. Integrable Semiclassical Deformations of General Algebraic Curves and Associated Conservation Laws. Theoretical Mathematical 151(3) 821-831 DOI: 10.1007/s11232-007-0067-3 (2007)
M.S. Bruzón, M.L Gandarias, José Carlos Camacho. Classical and Nonclassical Symmetries for a Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation With Dispersive Effects. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 30, 2091-2100, (2007)
M.L. Gandarias, M. Torrisi and R. Tracina. On Some Differential Invariants for a Family of Diffusion Equations Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General. 40 8803-8813, (2007)
J. Ramirez, J.L. Romero. New Classes of Solutions for the Schwarzian Korteweg-de Vries Equation in (2+1) dimensions. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 40 4351-4365 (2007)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Semiclassical Expansions in the Toda Hierarchy and the Hermitian Matrix Model. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 40 14223-14241 (2007)
Entre las publicaciones más relevantes de los miembros del grupo en los años 1996-2006 (hemos tenido los proyectos PB98-0578 y BFM2003-04174), sólo citamos las que aparecen en primeras posiciones en el Journal of Citation Index:
C. Muriel, J.L. Romero, P.J. Olver. Variational C-Symmetries and Euler-Lagrange Equations. Journal of differential equations, 222, 164-184,(2006).
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. On the Whitham Hierarchy: Dressing Scheme, String Equations and Additional Symmetries. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General. 39 2349-2381 (2006).
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina and M. Mañas. String Equations in Whitham Hierarchies: Tau Functions and Virasoro Constraints. J. Math. Phys. 083512 (2006).
B. Konopelchenko, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. A Classification of Integrable Quasiclassical Deformations of Algebraic Curves. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General,39 11231-11246 (2006)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Genus-Zero Whitham Hierarchies in Conformal Maps Dynamics. Physics Letters B 641 (6) 466-473 (2006)
R. Conte, M.L. Gandarias. Symmetry Reductions of a Particular Set of Equations of Associativity in Two-Dimensional Topological Fields. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38, 1-10, (2005).
P. G. Estévez, M.L. Gandarias and J. Prada. Symmetry Reductions of a 2+1 Lax Pair. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 343 40-47, (2005).
L. Martínez Alonso ,E. Medina. Exact Solutions of Integrable 2D Contour Dynamics Physics Letters B, 610, 277-282 (2005).
Y. Kodama, B. Konopelchenko, L. Martínez Alonso and E. Medina. Integrable Quasiclassical Deformations of Cubic Curves. J. Math. Phys. 46 113502 (2005).
M.L. Gandarias, S. Sáez. Travelling Wave Solutions of the Calogero-Degasperis-Fokas Equation in 2+1 Dimensions. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 144, 916-926, (2005).
M.L. Gandarias, S. Sáez. On the Calogero-Degasperis-Fokas equation in 2+1 dimensions. Physica A 362(2) 261-276 (2005).
E. Medina, M.J. Marín. Interaction Processes with the Radiation for the KP Equation, Through Symmetry Transformations. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 19, 129-140, (2004).
E. Medina, M.J. Marín. Source and Sink Solution, Finite Time Blow-Up, Diffusion, Creation and Annihilation Processes in the Davey-Stewratson Equation. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 20, 395-407, (2004).
L. Martínez Alonso and E. Medina. Solutions of the Dispersionless Toda Hierarchy Constrained by String Equations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 37 12005 – 12017. (2004).
E. Medina, M.J. Marín. New Solutions of the 2+1 Dimensional BKP Equation Through Symmetry Analysis: Source and Sink Solutions, Creation and Diffusion of Breathers. Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 20, 1091-1102. (2004).
F. Morales, J. Ramírez, M. Fernández, L. Barbadillo, J. Piqueras, D. Araújo, S. Molina, R. García. Estudio por Microscopía Electrónica y Espectroscopía de Infra-Rojos de Capas de Sic Obtenidas Mediante Carburización de Obleas de Si. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, 20 (2) 363-366. (2004)
J. Ramirez, M.S. Bruzón, C. Muriel, M.L. Gandarias. The Schwarzian-Korteweg-de-Vries Equation in (2+1) Dimensions, Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 36, 1467-1484, (2003).
M.L. Gandarias, MS Bruzón, J. Ramírez. Classical Symmetry Reductions of the Schwarz-Korteweg-de Vries Equation in (2+1) Dimensions. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 133 (1), 62-71, (2003).
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, C. Muriel, J. Ramirez, F.R. Romero. Traveling-Wave Solutions of the Schwarz-Korteweg-de Vries Equation in (2+1) Dimensions and the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newll-Segur Equation Through Symmetry Reductions. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 137(1), 1376-1387, (2003).
M.S. Bruzón, M.L. Gandarias, C. Muriel, J. Ramírez, S. Sáez, F.R. Romero.The Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schieff Equation in (2+1) Dimensions and the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newll-Segur Equation Through Symmetry Reductions. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 137, 1367-1377, (2003).
M.L. Gandarias, M. Torrisi, A. Valenti. Symmetry Classification and Optimal System of a Non-Linear Wave Equation. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 39, 389-398, (2003).
M.S. Bruzón.: M.L. Gandarias. Symmetry Reductions for a Dissipation-Modified KdV Equation. Appl. Math. Lettrs., 16, 155-159, (2003).
C. Muriel, J.L. Romero. C-symmetries and Reduction of Equations Without Lie Point Symmetries. Journal of Lie theory. 167- 188, (2003).
C. Muriel, J. L. Romero. C integrability of Equations Admitting the Non-Solvable Symmetry Algebra so(3,r). Studies in Applied Mathematics, 109, 337-352, (2002).
C. Muriel, J. L. Romero. Prolongations of Vector Fields and the Invariants-By-Derivation Property. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 133, 1565-1575, (2002).
E. Medina. Travelling Wave Solutions and Other Similarity Solutions of a Modified Lubrication Model, Europhysics Letters, 59 1-6, (2002).
M. Mañas, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Reductions and Hodograph Solutions of the Dispersionless KP Hierarchy. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.35, 401-417, (2002).
M. Mañas, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Reductions of the Dispersionless KP Hierarchy. Theor. Math. Phys. 133 1710-1719 (2002).
B.G. Konopelchenko, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Quasiconformal Mappings and Solutions of the Dispersionless KP hierarchy. Theor. Math. Phys 133 1529-1538. (2002).
E. Medina. An N Soliton Resonance Solution for the KP Equation: Interaction with Change of Form and Velocity. Lett. Math. Phys. 62 91-99 (2002).
M.L. Gandarias, E. Medina, C. Muriel. New Symmetry Reductions for Some Ordinary Differential Equations. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 9, 47-58, (2002).
M. Mañas, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Explicit Solutions of the Integrable Lattices. J. Geom. Phys. 42 (3), 195-215 (2002)
M. Mañas, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. KP Theory of Egorov Nets. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 127 (3) 800-807 DOI: 10.1023/A:1010455903098 (2001)
M.S. Bruzón, P.A. Clarkson, M.L. Gandarias and E. Medina. The Symmetry Reductions of a Turbulence Model. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 34, 3751-3760, (2001).
M.L. Gandarias, E. Medina. Analysis of a Lubrication Model Through Symmetry Reductions. Europhysics Letters, 55, 143-149, (2001).
M.L. Gandarias. New Symmetries for a Model of Fast Diffusion. Physics Letters A, 286 153-160, (2001).
M.L. Gandarias, E. Medina, C. Muriel. Potential symmetries for some Ordinary differential equations. Nonlinear Analysis, 47, 5167-5178, (2001).
C. Muriel, J. L. Romero. New methods of reduction for ordinary differential equations. IMA J. Appl. Math., 66, 111-125, (2001).
C. Muriel, J.L. Romero. C-symmetries and non-solvable symmetry algebras. Ima J. Appl. Math., 66, 477-498, (2001).
N. Euler, M.L. Gandarias, M. Euler, M. Lindblom. Auto-Hodograph Transformations for a Hierarchy of Nonlinear Evolution Equations Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 257 21-28 ( 2001)
E. Medina, M.J. Marín. Rational solutions of the KP equation through symmetry reductions: coherent structures and other solutions. Inverse Problems, 17, 985-998 (2001)
M.L. Gandarias. Auto-hodograph transformations for a hierarchy of nonlinear evolution equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol (257(1), Año: 2001,Pag: 21-28). Q2
J.L. Romero, M.L. Gandarias and E. Medina. Symmetries Perodic Plane Waves and Blow-up of lambda-omega Systems. Physica D, 147, 259-272, (2000).
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Symmetry analysis and solutions for a family of Cahn -Hilliard equations. Reports on Mathematical Physics, 46, 89-97, (2000).
M. Mañas, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Dressing Method for Geometric Nets II: Orthogonal and Egorov Nets. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General.33, 7181-7206 (2000)
E. Medina, L. Martínez Alonso, B. konopelchenco. Singular Sector of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Hierarchy, Operators of Nonzero Index, and Associated Integrable System. Journal of mathematical Physics. 41, 385-413 (2000)
J. Ramírez. Por unas Matemáticas Visuales en la Universidad. Epsilon. 16 (48) 279-290 (2000)
M. L. Gandarias. Reports on Mathematical Physics. Reports on Mathematical Physics. (Vol: 46, Año: 2000, Pag: 86-06). Q3
M.L. Gandarias, J.L. Romero and J.M. Diaz. Nonclassical symmetry reductions of a porous medium equation with convection. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 32 (8), 1461-1473 (1999).
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Nonclassical symmetries for a family of Cahn-Hilliard equations. Physics letters A, 263, 331- 337,
B. Konopelchenco, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Hidden Integrable Hierarchiesof Akns Type. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General 32 (19), 3621-3635 (1999)
A. Doliwa, M. Mañas, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina, P. Santini. Charged Free Fermions, Vertex Operators and the Classical Theory of Conjugate Nets. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General. 32, 1197-1216 (1999)
M. Mañas, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Hidden Hierarchies of KdV Type on Birkhoff Strata. Journal of Geom. Physics. 29, 13-34
M..L. Gandarias and L. del Águila. Symmetry reductions for a nonlinear diffusion-absorption equation in two spatial dimensions. Europhysics Letters, 42, 589-594 (1998)
M. L. Gandarias, E.Medina and M.S. Bruzon. An approach to the b-epsilon model for turbulence through symmetry reductions. Europhysics Letters, 44, 679-685, (1998)
M.L. Gandarias, P. Venero and J. Ramirez. Similarity Reductions for a Nonlinear Diffusion Equation. Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 58, 234- 244, (1998)
M.L. Gandarias, M.S. Bruzón. Classical and nonclassical symmetries of a generalized Boussinesq equation. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 5 8-12, (1998)
M. Herrero, E. Medina, J. López. Self-similar blow-up for a reaction-diffusion system. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 97 (1-2), 99-119 (1998)
J. Ramírez. Una lección de variable compleja matemática. Epsilon. 201-228 (1998)
M.L. Gandarias. Potential symmetries of a porous medium equation. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 29, 5919-5934, (1997).
M.L. Gandarias. Nonclassical symmetries of a porous medium equation with absorption. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 30, 6081-6091, (1997).
J.F.R. Archilla, J.L. Romero, F. Romero, F. Palmero. Lie symmetries and multiple solutions in reaction-diffusion systems. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 30, 185-194, (1997).
J.F.R. Archilla, J.L. Romero, F. Romero, F. Palmero. Spiral waves solutions in reaction-diffusion equations with symmetries: analysis through specific models. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 30, 4259-4271 (1997).
M.L. Gandarias. Zero Sets of Tau Functions and Hidden Hierarchies of KdV Type. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 30 (13) 4815-4824 (1997)
M.A Herrero, E. Medina, J.L. Velázquez. Finite-Time Aggregation into a Single Point in Reaction-Difussion System. Nonlinearity. 10 (6) 1739-1754 (1997)
J.F.R. Archilla, F. Romero, J.L. Romero, F. Palmero. Spiral Waves Solutions in Reaction-Difussion Equations with Symmetries. Analysis Through Specific Models. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General. 30 (12) 4259-4271 (1997)
M.L. Gandarias. Classical Point Symmetries of a Porous Medium Equation. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General, 29 (3), 607-633, (1996)
V. Kac, E. Medina. On the Super KP Hierarchy. Letters in mathematical Physics. 37 (4) 435-448 DOI: 10.1007/BF00312674 (1996)
L. Ibort, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Explicit Solutions of Supersymmetric KP Hierarchies: Supersolitons and Solitinos. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 37 6157-6172 (1996)
F. Palmero, F. Romero, J.L. Romero, J.F.R. Archilla. Intersection of Crisis Loci in a Driven Nonlinearly Damped Oscillator. Physics Letters A. 201 (2-3) 186-190 (1995)
M. Mañas, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Additional Symmetries for Super KP Hierarchies. Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena. 87 (1-4) 105-108 (1995)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Tau-Function Formalism for Supersymmetric KP Hierarchies. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 36 (9) 4898-4913 (1995)
P. García Estévez, P. Ruiz Gordoa, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. On the Characterization of a New Soliton Sector in the Classical Boussinesq System. Inverse Problems. 10 L-23-L-27 (1994)
M. Mañas, L. Martíez Alonso, E. Medina. Additionnal Symmetries, Virasoro Constraints and String Equations for Super KP Hierarchies. Physics Letters B. 336 (2) 178-182 (1994)
P. García Estévez, P. Ruiz Gordoa, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Modified Singular Expansion: Application to the Boussinesq and Mikhailov-Shabat Systems. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General. 26 (8) 1915-1925 (1993)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Soliton Interaction with Change of Form in the Classical Boussinesq System. .Physics Letters A. 167 (4) 370-376 (1992)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Exotic Coherent Structures in the Davey-Stewartson Equation. Inverse Problems. 8 (2) 321-328 (1992)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Localized Coherent Structures in the Davey-Stewartson Equation in the Bilinear Formalism. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 33 (9) 2947-2957 (1992)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina, R. Hernández. Multidimensional localized Coherent Structures in th Bilinear Formalism of Integrable Systems. Inverse Problems. 7 (3) L25-L30 (1991)
L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina, E. Olmedilla. Breathers in 2+1 Dimensions. Physics Letters A. 159 (8-9) 384-389 (1991)
R. Hernández, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. Fussion and Fission of Dromions in the Davey-Stewartson Equation. Physics Letters A. 152 (1-2) 37-41 (1991)
M. Jaulent, M. Manna, L. Martínez Alonso, E. Medina. On the A1^1 Reduction of the Two Component KP Hierarchy. Physics Letters A. 144 (6-7) 329-332 (1990)
J.L. Romero, J. Ramírez, F. Romero, J.F.R. Archilla. Diffusion in a Class of Exactly Solvable Non-Harmonic Potential. Intrnsic Effects Induced by Non-Linearities. Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena. 41 (1) 79-88 (1990)
F. Romero, J.L. Romero, J.F.R. Archilla. Diffussion Equations for Nonhomogeneous Media. Existance of Similarity Solutions. Physics Letters A. 111 (4) 197-181 (1985)